- Feels like a burden on others ("It will be easier for you without me.")
- Feels like trapped ("I won't change anything anyway.")
- Can't see any reason to live ("My life is meaningless.")
- Hints that he / she will not be alive soon ("If something happens to me.")
- He / she is suffering unbearable pain ("I can't cope with it on my own.")
- Depression
- Loss of interest
- Desperation
- Annoyance
- Powerlessness
- Anxiety
- Increased alcohol and / or medication use
- Finding ways / means to commit suicide
- Showing negligent behaviour
- Retreating from normal activities
- Insomnia / drowsiness
- Giving away precious items
- Aggressive behaviour
- Visiting loved ones to say goodbye
Tai nėra baigtinis sąrašas. Pasitikėk savo nuojauta.
Read also
Why suicidal thoughts occur
Myths and facts about suicide
See, hear, feel. About suicide